Bioinspired photocatalytic shark skin surfaces with antibacterial and antifouling activity via nanoimprint lithography
44. Bioinspired photocatalytic shark skin surfaces with antibacterial and antifouling activity via nanoimprint lithography
Dundar, F., Kolewe, K.W., Homyak, B., Kurtz, I.S., Schiffman, J.D., Watkins, J.J. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018) 10(23), 20055-20063 [Link]
Dundar, F., Kolewe, K.W., Homyak, B., Kurtz, I.S., Schiffman, J.D., Watkins, J.J. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018) 10(23), 20055-20063 [Link]